About AUTA

Who Are We?

AUTA i.e., Assam University Teachers’ Association is a body constituted for the benefit of its teaching community members. The AUTA is designated to address the welfare of individual members and, if necessary, to institute legal proceedings to uphold professional efficiency. The

The objectives of the Association are:

  1. To create a sound academic tradition in the University through exchange of views and ideas among the teachers of Assam University;
  2. To promote and safeguard ideal relationships among the various sections of the University community;
  3. To promote and safeguard the academic, professional, moral, economic and other interests of the teachers to enable them to contribute their best to the development of the University and its students in particular and society in general;
  4. To take steps to preserve and develop the corporate life of teachers and to ensure the best possible working conditions for them;
  5. To co-operate with all organizations and institutions in the country with similar objectives and interests;
  6. To arrange seminars, discussions, publications, etc.;
  7. To help financially or otherwise teachers of the University and their families in distress; and
  8. To engage in collective bargaining and undertaking all other activities as may be conducive or incidental to the attainment of the said objectives.

We, the several people whose names and addresses are given below, having associated ourselves

for the purposes described in the Memorandum of Association and set our several and respective

hands hereunto and form ourselves into an Association on this Seventeenth day of August, 1997, at

Silchar (Assam).
