
The AUTA performs many activities.

Some Activities are as follows:

Initiations/ Activities of the Association during 2017-2018:

  1. CAS, past service counting matter: After breaking the deadlock with the authority in January 2017 for constituting functional committee for CAS matter of these teachers, over 90 CAS cases were cleared and the teachers got their due promotion. Few pending CAS cases of the teachers were under process. During the entire period, AUTA always kept a strong vigil on the process.
  2. Cancellation of appointment of a teacher and complaint against some teachers: In the month of November 2017, appointment of one of the teachers was cancelled by the University without due process being followed, thus denying natural justice to the teacher. Three extensive AUTA general body meetings were held, followed by strong protests. During that difficult time, members actively participated and demanded for withdrawal of the termination Order. Due to the collective and concerted efforts, the letter of cancellation of appointment of the teacher was withdrawn.
    In pursuance of the decision of the general body, AUTA collected a fund of INR 30200/- from its members to meet the legal expenses incurred by the teacher terminated then. The teacher concerned was communicated to receive the fund collected.
    Authority acting upon complaint against some teachers was resisted vehemently by AUTA with an overwhelming participation of the members. In response, the administration assured AUTA of a positive action.
  3. Pay re-fixation: It was observed that for some teachers’ re-fixation of pay was done. In some cases, re-fixation and recovery was done without any intimation to the teachers concerned. AUTA made strong protest and urged the authority to fix the accountability and strictly follow the DoPT, GoI, guidelines in this regard.
  4. Perquisite Tax: The irregularities in dealing with the Perquisite Tax deduction on house rent imposed by the administration on the quarters dwellers was among the major concerns. With the help of the quarters dwellers, AUTA stood ground for the total rollback of the perquisite tax deductions by the administration.
  5. Reservation Roster: For a fair selection process AUTA had been insisting upon the administration in the right earnest that the vacant teaching posts be identified and placed on the Reservation Roster before issuing the advertisements and that the University must immediately fill up vacant teaching positions by following the correct roster that is prepared in accordance to the guidelines framed by DoPT, GoI.
  6. Appointments of Deans in Executive Council (EC) in violation of the Assam University Act, 1989: In pursuance of the decision of the General Body, AUTA submitted a representation to the Visitor of Assam University with regard to the issue of nomination of Deans of Schools in the Executive Council in clear violation of the Assam University Act.
    The UGC wrote to the Vice Chancellor (vide letter UGC’s Letter F.No.35-16/2012 (CU), dt. 20.09.2017) to send a report at an early date, with an intimation to the AUTA. More than seven months passed, no action was taken by the university in the matter. AUTA expressed serious concern about the decisions taken by wrongly constituted EC and the repercussions on the functioning of the university. In response to AUTA’s Memorandum No.Memo/AUTA/VC/2017 dated 21-12-2017, the administration communicated that the matter would be revisited and placed in the next regular meeting of the Executive Council.
  7. Campus Security: In the wake of an unfortunate incident which took place on campus in the month of June 2017, AUTA protested and insisted upon appropriate actions to be taken by the administration to enhance the safety and security of the students and staff on campus. In response to AUTA’s demand, the Security and Disaster Management Advisory Committee was constituted by the administration.
  8. Timely reimbursement of Medical expenses and LTC claims: On AUTA’s demand for simplification of the process of Medical and LTC reimbursement and timely disbursement of claims of the employees, majority of the pending reimbursements of our members were cleared by March 31st, 2018.
  9. Election duty of the teachers: AUTA vehemently stood against the deputation of teachers for various election duties. Due to the strong stand of the Association in this issue, the administration on 20th December, 2017 communicated to the Deputy Commissioner, Cachar, for exemption from drafting of University official from the duty of Panchayat Election 2018.
  10. Inclusion of Assistant Professor in Executive Council of the University: The basic premise of democracy is the representation of the majority and in our system, the majority remains unrepresented, which is unfortunate. AUTA demanded and insisted upon with the administration to take necessary steps for the inclusion of at least two Assistant Professors in the Executive Council of the University.
  11. To formulate Ordinance for re-employment of superannuated teachers: There is a UGC Model Guideline for Re-employment of Superannuated Teachers vide No.F.3-1/94 (PS) Pt. file 15th February, 2008. Assam University does not have any policy of its own for re-employment of superannuated teachers.
    With the adoption of UGC Regulations 2010, there was a necessity for a separate Ordinance for such re-employment. AUTA demanded for a uniform policy/guideline to be applicable to all departments and all the teachers and there should not be any piecemeal consideration of cases of re-employment of superannuated teachers. It was demanded, therefore, that the University should frame its own Ordinance for re-employment of superannuated teachers.
  12. Allotment of Quarters: In view of the present scenario where a good number of faculty quarters on campus are lying vacant for years, AUTA registered its concern and demanded to know the reasons for non-allotment of such quarters even after repeated requests by teachers. It resolved to reconstitute the quarter allotment committee with representatives from AUTA to facilitate allocation of quarters on time to the teachers. Finalization of Regulations for Quarters Allotment was processed.
  13. Promotion of a research environment: The following measures were initiated for the same –
    a) Re-initiation of non-NET fellowships: At least one non-NET fellowship for PhD is to be availed by a researcher under the supervision of each teacher of AUS. After insistence from AUTA, the administration placed the proposal of assigning one Non-NET Fellow per faculty in the Academic Council on the 5th of May 2018..
    b) Initiatives to establish a new University Sophisticated Instrumentation Center (USIC)/SAIF-AUS: The need for a centralized instrumentation centre is imperative for meeting with the basic needs of infrastructure for research. Teachers are compelled to outsource their research samples which are not only costly but time consuming. A committee was constituted upon the insistence of AUTA. This committee has already started work on exploration of availing funds and making policies for a new center.
    c) Hostel accommodation for research scholars working round the clock: Setting up of new hostels dedicated to research scholars and accommodating some of the researchers in the hostels available.
    d) Special security provisions for conducting research round the clock. To facilitate research during off hours and holidays for those researchers who require working round the clock was discussed. It was resolved that the AUTA would be invited along with the DEANS and HODs of the concerned departments to discuss the matter and frame policies.
  14. Maintenance of buildings and beautification of the campus: AUTA pressed upon the authority to generate funds for the maintenance of the buildings which required immediate attention. Refurbishment of establishments such as Bipin Chandra Pal Auditorium and maintenance of the faculty quarters is the need of the hour. AUTA has also proposed the setting up of a new amphitheatre styled conference hall along with pavilions for bus stops, repairs of the roads within the campus and quarters, street lamps and several others for a more vibrant campus.
  15. Introduction of a Winter Break: A ten-day break has been a demand of our members and this has been implemented through adjustment of the summer break.
  16. Green Drive: In an attempt to be environment-friendly, AUTA took a survey in which an overwhelming majority of members opted to do away with the use of paper and instead all communications from the AUTA secretariat was preferred through electronic media.
  17. UGC-Human Resource Development Center (HRDC): AUTA took initiative for setting up of HRDC. This will enable teachers to attend Orientation Programmes and Refresher Courses on the campus. A Committee of teachers was proposed for the purpose of initiating the formalities for establishing such a center.
  18. Celebration of the AUTA Foundation Day: AUTA Foundation Day was celebrated on 20 August 2017. It was a moment of pride to commemorate the foundation day and to bring alive and uphold the spirit of pride in our Association.
  19. FEDCUTA-related matter: In response to the call for participation against the retrograde recommendations of the 7th Pay Revision, Draft UGC Regulations, and policies like the funding formula of 30-70 and grants replaced by loans through HEPA, the AUTA in solidarity with the National issues related to teachers actively participated in the nationwide protest called by FEDCUTA and AIFCUTO.
    While the achievements of AUTA to ensure standard service conditions for the teaching community remain significant, issues like the possibility of threat upon the rights of teachers require vigilant monitoring. Other concerns related to the progress of the initiatives taken by AUTA require persuasion that will now be forged ahead with renewed vigor by the new executive committee of AUTA.
    Long Live AUTA!
    Long Live Teacher’s Unity!

Flood Relief to the Victims

In solidarity with the flood victims of Assam, Assam University Teachers’ Association (AUTA) of Assam University, Silchar plunged into action. On the 31st of May, 2022, the Office Bearers of AUTA along with the members of the EC and several other teachers from various departments visited the affected areas and distributed packages as relief. The honourable Vice Chancellor, Prof. Rajive Mohan Pant and, several other Senior Professors and Statutory Officers from the teaching community also joined the team and greatly encouraged the latter by travelling in the buses allotted by the university for the same and, actively participating in delivering packages door to door.

To visit the different areas, the Team was divided into three smaller teams. The flood-hit areas visited and distributed relief packages to were Dargakona Community, Old Irongmara Community, Hati-Tilla Community, 6 No. Basti Community, Chatla Bairagitilla Community, Daspara Community, Rose Kandy Tea Community and, Rajubari Community, Borojalenga. More than 200 affected households were reached with the packages containing rice, pulses, potatoes, edible oil, sugar, mosquito repellent, notebooks (for children), milk powder and bleaching powder.

Further, a token of 1 Lakh is to be deposited to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund through the University.

The Visit was led by the Department of Social Work, AUS.